Next generation Voltaic Solar Backpacks

Array + OffGrid, a new generation of solar backpacks.

Array and OffGrid backpack, providing portable power for photographers, travelers, and everyday explorers.

Array and OffGrid solar backpacks (4)

We use more devices than ever and they all need power, but that doesn’t need to slow you down. Our two new backpacks, the Array and OffGrid, are designed to keep them charged everywhere.

The backpack integrates maximum solar power for charging phones, tablets, and DSLR cameras. The Array can even charge your laptop or drone – something no other backpack can do.

Array and OffGrid solar backpacks (3)

Included a battery pack to store power until you need it.

Array and OffGrid solar backpacks (2)

Array and OffGrid solar backpacks (1)


via kickstarter