Engineering with Origami
Origami, a centuries old art of folding paper to achieve particular aesthetics, is inspiring a plethora of new engineering designs.
The Ocean Cleanup successfully catches Plastic in Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The Ocean Cleanup the Dutch non-profit organization, successfully catches plastic in Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Unique Shoe Bicycle
This video shows short instruction of making unique bicycle with running shoes instead of wheels!
You will customize your Tesla’s horn and movement sounds
Customized horn and movement sounds coming to Teslas electric cars soon.
Salome Yachts Atlantic Tender
Salome Yachts Atlantic Tender is a 60 knot sports boat inspired by the Bugatti Type 57SC.
NASA starts tests on its all-Electric X-Plane
NASA’s X-57 Maxwell, the agency’s first all-electric X-plane, is delivered to NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, in its Mod II configuration.
Hovding 3 cyclists Airbag Helmet
Hövding is an airbag for urban cyclists, that has superior shock absorption compared to the traditional bicycle helmet.
Bell next-generation rotorcraft 360 Invictus
Bell announces next-generation rotorcraft 360 Invictus, for U.S. Army FARA Competition.
Why Planes don’t Fly over the Pacific Ocean
Why do airlines avoid the Pacific Ocean? You might think it was a safety issue. Guessing that it is a safety precaution wouldn’t be entirely
Top 10 Cheeky F1 Innovations
From wacky X-wings to double diffusers which delivered championships – Formula 1 has always been at the forefront of technical innovation, which can sometimes lead