An amazing Trimaran
Watch in the video an amazing trimaran…
Discovering All
An infographic on the evolution of human understanding of the Universe. From ancient times to modern…
SZ Equilibrium Bike
The stylish Equilibrium Bike is designed, engineered and built in Italy.
A metal-rich Asteroid worth quadrillions
NASA plans mission to a metal-rich asteroid worth $10,000 Quadrillion.
Airbus Infinito Cabin
Airbus Corporate Jets and Pagani announce Infinito cabin, featuring the amazing sky ceiling.
SolSource Sport portable solar-powered stove
SolSource Sport an easy to use, compact, portable solar-powered stove, for free cooking under the sun.
A marvelous new glassfrog has visible heart
A marvelous new glassfrog from Amazonian Ecuador, has visible heart.
GT67 Superyacht concept
This new 67 meter GT67 superyacht concept will be launched before the end of 2019.
First one wheeled electric scooter
Kiwano KO1 Smart is world’s first one wheeled electric scooter.
Types of Artificial Intelligence – infographic
With advances in computing power, like machine learning, natural language processing and more, artificial intelligence is evolving from simple to self-aware machines…