Stunning timelapse shows the Sun over a year
NASA has released a stunning timelapse video showing the sun over the course of a year.
Breaking the Sound Barrier
A sonic boom is a loud, thunder-like noise heard by a person on the ground when an aircraft flies overhead at supersonic speeds, breaking the
Watch this Drone doing 45 MPH indoors autonomously
DARPA’s Fast Lightweight Autonomy (FLA) program, recently demonstrated that a drone could achieve 72 km/h indoors autonomously.
James Webb Space Telescope Primary Mirror’s assembly – timelapse
All Primary Mirrors fully installed on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Take a look at the impressive assembly timelapse…
Revival BMW Landspeeder Motorcycle
The Henne inspired BMW Landspeeder by Revival Cycles, a modern interpretation of a legendary racing motorbike.
The new GPS will be accurate to a centimeter
A new technology will enable us to access centimeter-level accuracy location data, through our mobile phones.
Submarine Hunting 132 foot long Robot Ship
A 132 foot long unmanned robot ship, will soon be ready to find ultra-quiet diesel-electric submarines, without a single person on board.
A Heart shaped Lenticular Cloud
A heart-shaped Lenticular cloud for Valentine’s Day, appeared one morning last July above Mount Cook National Park in New Zealand. Image credit Michael Kunze
Mesmerising Mass Sheep Herding
It’s woolly’s roundup! This incredible footage of hundreds of sheep being herded across New Zealand’s grasslands, will blow you away…
Evolution of the Porsche 911
The evolution of the Porsche 911 has a rich history, filled with innovation and has undergone continuous development…