The latest progress on renewable energy.
Major Solar plant in the Sahara
A new giant solar plant under development in the desert country of Morocco, is poised to take advantage of the ample Saharan sunlight.
The latest progress on renewable energy.
A new giant solar plant under development in the desert country of Morocco, is poised to take advantage of the ample Saharan sunlight.
“Hydricity” is a new Green power innovative solution, that will couple solar thermal and hydrogen power.
‘Power paper’ made from organic materials, stores electricity by conducting ions and electrons.
A very interesting infographic, with some practical strategies that you can use in your home, to save money on your utility bills.
A simple message of solidarity from our astronauts on ISS, with hope to combat climate change and reach our political leaders during such a crucial time.
Beijing has declared its first ever red alert, as smog engulfs the city, in China’s worst pollution crisis ever. Watch the video…
In this video you will find some of the highlight reel of anti-climate change arguments, and what the experts have to say about them…
New studies suggest that the world could run entirely by wind, solar and hydro power, by 2050.
DONG Energy announced that will build the world’s biggest offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea.
15-year-old created a system that converts ocean currents into electricity.