The most interesting advances in Physics.
How to Travel at nearly the Speed of Light
Scientists suspect magnetic reconnection is one way that particles are accelerated to nearly light speed.
The most interesting advances in Physics.
Scientists suspect magnetic reconnection is one way that particles are accelerated to nearly light speed.
Why are these 96 million black balls in LA’s reservoir?
A European experiment to slow the aging process using innovative antioxidants, is on its way to space.
Scientists using giant lasers crystallize water with shockwaves, revealing the atomic structure of superionic ice.
Take a look in this stunning video, the art of physics.
In this video, the Vela Incident, the greatest nuclear mystery ever.
Practical fusion power, as the joke goes, has been “decades away…for decades.” But recent advancements in advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence…
What happens if we make a huge pile from all 15,000 nuclear bombs and pull the trigger?
Light is the fastest thing we as the human race know of. Gav and Dan try and film that.
Fermilab breaks ground on a major new particle accelerator project that will power cutting-edge physics experiments for many decades to come.