The most interesting advances in Physics.
Exercise vs Diet
Exercise vs Diet. Which is more significant for losing weight? Take a look at the video…
The most interesting advances in Physics.
Exercise vs Diet. Which is more significant for losing weight? Take a look at the video…
The war against drugs has been a terrible disaster for everybody involved. Why? And can we do something differently? Watch the video…
Experiments with cells grown both inside and outside the body, could fix lenses and corneas.
Scientists resulted in a coating so black that spectrometers can’t measure it! Even running a high power laser pointer across it (in the video), barely reflects anything
Look what happens when you add molten salt to water, in 5000 fps…
What happens after you die? Take a look at this video by AsapSCIENCE, to find out according to science, what happens after we die…
Seven famous scientists and their greatest discoveries, that changed our world, in 8-bit cool animated gifs.
Brian Greene explains the exciting new scientific discovery of Gravitational Waves, with an easy understandable way…
The best way to find out about the amazing chemistry of burning matches, is to watch it in ultra-slow motion…
Doctors developing a breakthrough technology from neuroscience, that might allow blind people to see a monochromatic world.