Solar Cells so light that can be placed on top of soap bubble
Scientists created solar cells so thin, flexible and lightweight that they could be placed on top of a soap bubble without breaking it.
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Scientists created solar cells so thin, flexible and lightweight that they could be placed on top of a soap bubble without breaking it.
Scientists have find out how to replicate the strength and sensitivity of human muscle in metal. This discovery has broad applications in robots and in automotive suspension.
Doctors developing a breakthrough technology from neuroscience, that might allow blind people to see a monochromatic world.
Building the world’s first “quiet” supersonic X-plane and a series of fueled by green energy planes, is part of the NASA’s budget proposal.
NASA officially is beginning work on the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), an astrophysics mission designed to help unlock the secrets of the universe.
Researchers succeeded a digital data storage that is capable of surviving for billions of years.
Scientists developed a 3D bioprinter, generating replacement tissue, that can withstand transplantation.
Einstein was right, again, this time about gravitational waves, and this will be the scientific announcement of the decade.
A NASA’s 30 day mission in a small habitat, will help our researchers learn how isolation and close quarters affect individual and group behavior.
Watch top 10 closing shots in film history. The final moments of a movie can make things feel complete, leave you wanting more, and bring out deep