Scientists teleported information over 100 km in optical fiber
Researchers just teleported information over 100 km in optical fiber. The previous record was just 15 miles, set by NASA.
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Researchers just teleported information over 100 km in optical fiber. The previous record was just 15 miles, set by NASA.
A scientific team proved the fundamental symmetry of nature, measuring the mass of particle and their electrical charge, with the help of the Large Hadron Collider of
Using ground-based cameras, researchers at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, are now looking to the heavens for backgrounds upon which to capture images of supersonic
Researchers created a new invisibility cloak, which will make objects more difficult to detect.
The new Tree of Life linking all species on Earth, has some 2.3 million species that have been identified and named.
Scientists recently discovered a giant ocean under Tarim basin, one of the largest the deserts in the world.
Homo Naledi is our new ancestor, adding a new chapter to the evolution story, with physical characteristics with modern humans. Watch the video…
The farthest known galaxy discovered by researchers, is 13.2 billion years old. Image credit Caltech
The 3.2-gigapixel, world’s largest digital camera, at the heart of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), approved by the Department of Energy to start construction.
NASA and the United States Air Force recently released what’s called a “schlieren” image of the shock wave, a massive update to a 150-year-old German photography technique,