Unknown Object Hit Jupiter
Watch at this two rare videos, an unknown object hit Jupiter…
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Watch at this two rare videos, an unknown object hit Jupiter…
Hubble space telescope spots the most distant galaxy yet, existed just 400 million years after the Big Bang, breaking cosmic distance record.
Are the repeating radio signals we are receiving, from aliens? Mysterious powerful exotic signals have been detected, from our biggest radio telescope, coming far beyond our own
Astronomers, after many years, they have finally located the origin of the mysterious immense “fast radio bursts.”
NASA officially is beginning work on the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), an astrophysics mission designed to help unlock the secrets of the universe.
For the first time astronomers were able to analyse the atmosphere of an exoplanet, in the class known as super-Earths.
Latest evidence suggests that Babylonians invented Astronomical geometry. They tracked Jupiter with advanced tools.
Astronomers may have found a huge ninth planet on the edge of the Solar System.
Astronomers believe there really is something weird happening around KIC 8462852 star, that’s 1480 light-years away.
A new study proposes that an event in the early universe, could reduce the amount of dark matter in cosmos.