Two Stars heading for enormous Catastrophe
VLT finds hottest and most massive touching double star, heading for enormous catastrophe.
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VLT finds hottest and most massive touching double star, heading for enormous catastrophe.
Astronomers have discovered a strange gigantic object whirling around a distant star, and they never seen anything like this. Image credit Arxiv
A new generation of telescopes, both on the ground and in space, will expand even more our understanding of the universe and providing some stunning images of
Astronomers “weigh” a Black Hole in the center of a Galaxy by studying the Einstein ring phenomenon.
This simulation helps explain an odd light signal thought to be coming from a close-knit pair of merging black holes, PG 1302-102, located 3.5 billion light-years away.
By using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have found that the nearest galaxy to Earth (Mrk 231) hosting a quasar, is powered by two central black holes
Astronomers discovered the largest feature in the universe, which lies 5 billion light years across.
The newly proposed High Definition Space Telescope (HDST), makes Hubble Telescope look like a toy.
By looking at younger star systems in the early stages of development, astronomers can better learn how our solar system evolved.
Astronomers studied 200,000 galaxies to measure the rate at which our Universe is emitting energy and concluded that is dying.