An extremely bright Black Hole emitting Trillion Suns’ worth of energy
In a new study, astronomers determined PDS 456, an extremely bright black hole known as a quasar more than 2 billion light-years away, sustains winds that carry
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In a new study, astronomers determined PDS 456, an extremely bright black hole known as a quasar more than 2 billion light-years away, sustains winds that carry
Gigantic exoplanet ring system around J1407b much larger, heavier than Saturn’s, the first of its kind to be found outside our solar system.
New research shows that oceans on super-Earths, planets with two to four times the mass of Earth, once established, can last for billions of years.
The beautiful Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 enters its best time of viewing, will glow brightest in a week’s time. Is expected be visible from ‘from light-polluted city