A new theory on Stonehenge
A new theory on Stonehenge claiming that the stones were pillars, supporting a wooden platform to get ‘closer to the heavens’,
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A new theory on Stonehenge claiming that the stones were pillars, supporting a wooden platform to get ‘closer to the heavens’,
The inventors of the AeroMobil self driving car that can also fly, say a consumer version could be ready to fly by 2017.
500 million miles from the Sun lies Ganymede moon, slightly larger than the planet Mercury, orbiting Jupiter and may contain more water than all of Earth’s oceans.
NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale, or MMS, mission, will study how a phenomenon called magnetic reconnection allows energy and particles from the sun to funnel inside the magnetosphere, the
Last Friday, an almost Full Moon rose as the Sun set, over the Great Wall of China in this mountainous landscape north of Beijing. Image credit Francis Audet
A strong Earth-directed X-flare, the biggest of the year, erupted from a large active region on the sun, causes radio blackouts on Earth
An epic auroral display, a dark night, few clouds and a body of water that was both calm enough and unfrozen to show reflected stars. All these
World’s largest Container Ship will be over 1,300-feet long, about the equivalent of four football fields combined.
“The original plan was to photograph a rare angular conjunction of Mars and Venus that occurred a week and a half ago, with the added bonus of
The Admiral X Force 145 meters (476-foot) luxury super-yacht, has a low profile, with fascinating curved lines and a huge open after deck.