New Technology to Transform Cancer Cells Back to Normal
Scientists have created technology to transform cancer cells back to normal.
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Scientists have created technology to transform cancer cells back to normal.
This is what happens when your body fights cancer, more exciting than any movie…
Your body killed cancer 5 minutes ago. Somewhere in your body, your immune system just quietly killed one of your own cells, stopping it from becoming cancer
Researchers discover the ‘Achilles heel’ of cancer tumours, paving the way for new treatment strategies.
Researchers at Cardiff University discovered a new type of killer T-cell that kills most cancers.
Stanford researchers have found that cancer cells have a protein called CD24 on their surface that enables them to protect themselves against the body’s immune cells.
Strain of common cold virus could revolutionise treatment of bladder cancer.
Israeli scientists claim they will have a cure for cancer within a year.
An innovative combination therapy can force malignant breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells.
This new invention by Australian scientists could mark the end of skin cancer!