How to Win an Interstellar War
How to win an Interstellar war? Could aliens destroy us from light-years away?
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How to win an Interstellar war? Could aliens destroy us from light-years away?
The “oxygen bottleneck” could be the key to discovering alien technology, describing the critical threshold that separates worlds capable of fostering technological civilizations from those that fall short.
Making roads on the Moon. The idea of melting sand to make roadways was first proposed for Earth, back in 1933.
Are we alone in the universe? In this article 4 essential reads on potential contact with aliens.
The question of whether intelligent life exists elsewhere in the vast universe, and why we haven’t detected it yet, is known as the Fermi Paradox.
The star-shaped Chengdu Science Fiction Museum to host Worldcon 2023 in the city of Chengdu, China.
This documentary takes you on the extraordinary journey to find out what the 200 foot cylindrical object, at the bottom of the Baltic Sea could be.
LINA is the design of a Lunar outpost which is both adaptive and visually sensitive to the Lunar environment.
Should we live forever? An excerpt from Neil’s upcoming book ‘Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization.’
The Universe is incredibly big and seems full of potential for life, with billions of habitable planets.