Black Sun
Detailed solar view captured in a very specific color of red light, then rendered in black and white, and then color inverted. Credit Jim Lafferty
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Detailed solar view captured in a very specific color of red light, then rendered in black and white, and then color inverted. Credit Jim Lafferty
Tests confirm that Germany’s stellarator futuristic nuclear fusion machine really works.
Filaments sometimes explode off the Sun. Featured, a huge filament had been seen hovering over the Sun’s surface for over a week before it erupted…
An impressive Sun’s image, featuring incandescent plasma suspended in looping and twisted magnetic fields stretched toward the Sun’s eastern horizon, on September 16. Image credit Alan Friedman
California’s Tri Alpha Energy company claims fusion breakthrough, by continuing progress toward a viable alternative fusion reactor.
Scientists at MIT have designed a simple fusion reactor that could be ready to run in 10 years.
Some regions of the solar chromosphere, in a specific color of red light emitted by hydrogen, may resemble a rose.