Einstein’s Theory of Relativity proven right in Black Hole Gravity test
Einstein Theory of Relativity proven right again, as black hole gravity warps starlight.
Einstein Theory of Relativity proven right again, as black hole gravity warps starlight.
Truly understanding black holes requires the curved space-time of general relativity. Watch the video…
Watch at the video the Black Hole bomb and Black Hole civilizations…
Scientists find 10,000 black holes exist in the center of Milky Way.
This amazing video about the scale of Black Holes will melt you mind.
What’s inside a Black Hole? In fact, we hardly know anything about what lies inside of a black hole…
This video is about how efficient various reactions are at converting mass to energy, as we know from the Einstein mass-energy equivalence of E=mc^2.
Astronomers discovered a supermassive black hole from just 690 million years after the Big Bang.
This artist’s rendering shows a star wandering too close to a 3-million-solar-mass black hole was torn apart.
What does a black hole look like? No one knows for sure. Artists make their images based on what physicists think they look like. Watch the video…