CanguRo Mobility Robot
The A’ Design Award and Competition 2021’s winner CanguRo Mobility Robot, is a three-wheeled robot that you can ride, or walk ahead and it will follows you
The A’ Design Award and Competition 2021’s winner CanguRo Mobility Robot, is a three-wheeled robot that you can ride, or walk ahead and it will follows you
Boston Dynamics Stretch Robot for truck unloading, an automated case handling for more efficient warehouse operations.
‘Enterprise Spot’ is the new robot dog of Boston Dynamics, an upgraded version of the previous model.
Robots got their name 100 years ago on January 25. Makers of Sophia the robot, plan mass rollout amid Covid-19 pandemic.
Watch in the video the Boston Dynamics robot family dance.
Head of UK armed forces said: ‘Robot soldiers could make up quarter of British army by 2030s,’ risking a new world war.
Take a look at this realistic robot dolphin that could replace one day captive ones at theme parks.
An artificially intelligent robot is about to star in lead role of $70 Million sci-fi film.
The use of autonomous robots in agriculture just started and increases the efficiency of food production.
Unitree A1 is a small robotic dog. It sees with a depth-sensing camera, transmiting HD footage in real-time.