Closest Rocky Exoplanet confirmed
The closest rocky exoplanet confirmed outside our solar system, lies 21 light-years away, located just off the “W” pattern of the Cassiopeia constellation.
The closest rocky exoplanet confirmed outside our solar system, lies 21 light-years away, located just off the “W” pattern of the Cassiopeia constellation.
A new amazing video from NASA, showing simulated flyover of Pluto’s Norgay Montes (Norgay Mountains) and Sputnik Planum (Sputnik Plain), created from New Horizons closest-approach images.
New close-up images of a region near Pluto’s equator. It’s about a range of youthful mountains rising as high as 11,000 feet above the surface of the
New Horizons finally gets up close with Pluto, the most remote object ever visited in the Solar System, for only 15 minutes. Watch the videos…
Watch The Historic Pluto Flyby
With the speed of 30,800 miles per hour, New Horizons spacecraft will pass by Pluto tomorrow, offering us for the first time, unique images of the distant
Astronomers discovered a five-star Solar System, made of two binary stars and a fifth star all orbiting about each other.
These are the coldest places in our Solar System. The order is from the ‘hottest’ and the coldest is very well known! Mars. During wintertime, the two