Stunning 2.8 million stars image near the Galactic center
ESA’s Gaia sky mapper captured this new image of 2.8 million stars just below the Milky Way’s center.
ESA’s Gaia sky mapper captured this new image of 2.8 million stars just below the Milky Way’s center.
Astronomers captured the best ever image of a star’s surface and atmosphere.
How many stars are there in the universe? Are there more stars out there than grains of sand on Earth? Watch the video to find out…
Astronomers discovered the smallest star so far, only slightly larger than Saturn.
Scientists finally witnessed a phenomenon that Einstein thought impossible, they just weighed a star with gravity.
Take a look at the most amazing Star in the Universe…
Stellar explosions are most often associated with supernovae, the spectacular deaths of stars. But ALMA captures a different stellar explosion in Orion.
Swift Charts a Star’s ‘Death Spiral’ into Black Hole. In this animation you can see what happens when a star spirals into a black hole…
Hubble captures brilliant star death in “Rotten Egg” nebula
An exceptional panoramic skyscape filled with stars, clusters, and nebulae along the southern Milky Way including the Large and Small Magellanic clouds. Credit Yuri Beletsky