Zooming into the Center of Our Galaxy
This 40 seconds video sequence zooms into the Hubble Space Telescope view of the galactic core. The center of the Milky Way…
This 40 seconds video sequence zooms into the Hubble Space Telescope view of the galactic core. The center of the Milky Way…
Three potentially habitable worlds found around nearby ultracool dwarf star, the best place to search for life beyond the Solar System.
Hubble Space Telescope frames the unique star HD 44179, surrounded by an extraordinary structure known as the Red Rectangle.
Physicist Stephen Hawking and Russian billionaire, Yuri Milner, plan to send a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri at 20% of the speed of light. Image credit NASA
Astronomers discovered an exoplanet in an extremely rare Triple-Star System.
The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave, is illustrated in this cartoon animation, created by NASA’s Ames Research Center…
A dying star’s final act of celestial beauty before the long fade into cosmic history, offers glimpse of our Sun’s future.
The last star in the universe will be a red dwarf. Red dwarfs in general might be great places to look for aliens…
This stunning short sequence zooms in on the open young cluster of stars, Trumpler 14, one of the largest gatherings of hot, massive and bright stars in
Astronomers believe there really is something weird happening around KIC 8462852 star, that’s 1480 light-years away.