wordlesstech | Technology category, includes 6 sub categories: Aviation, Boats, Computers, Space, Technology news, Vehicles.
350 km/h in Japan
Take a look at this amazing Japanese train running at 350 km/h…
wordlesstech | Technology category, includes 6 sub categories: Aviation, Boats, Computers, Space, Technology news, Vehicles.
Take a look at this amazing Japanese train running at 350 km/h…
Aurora Station will be the world’s first luxury Space Hotel in orbit, 200 miles above the Earth’s surface.
Every airport runway has 2 numbers on it — here’s why.
Take a look at this video the evolution of computer speech…
In this video, life aboard USS Zumwalt, America’s most advanced warship…
Porsche Quintessenza is an all-electric, brand new, worry-free, clean and 400 km of range, classic 911.
The first 3D-printed steel bridge is made of a completely new type of steel and look amazing.
The largest parachute ever to fly on a Mars mission has been deployed in the first of a series of tests.
5G is a new, faster network with the potential to completely transform the internet. Watch the video…
LightCam smart light bulb and security camera, easily installs in any socket with no wiring.