Star is Dragging Space-Time around with it
Astronomers discovered a star that is dragging space-time around with it, proving that Einstein was right again.
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Astronomers discovered a star that is dragging space-time around with it, proving that Einstein was right again.
A visual and musical journey to the edge of the universe, showing the fabric of space-time to explore its dynamics and various forms
Modern science explains the origin of the universe with the Big Bang theory: Our world arose from the explosion of singularity…
Astrophysicist discovers new theoretical hyper-fast soliton solutions, faster-than-light, to travel to nearby stars.
Truly understanding black holes requires the curved space-time of general relativity. Watch the video…
Scientists find 10,000 black holes exist in the center of Milky Way.
Mysterious glowing ball over Northern Siberia aren’t UFOs, says scientists.
Nikon in Space, time-lapse view of the world, for the Nikon 100th Anniversary. A compiled time-lapse video using thousands of still images…
Is this 23-year-old woman the next Einstein? Meet Cuban American Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski, one of the top physicists in the US.
Size comparison of the entire universe 2017 in 3D. From the fabric of space-time itself, we journey outwards to subatomic elementary particles, to atoms, molecules…