RDSV – Rapid Deployment Snow Vehicle
RDSV, is a high speed vehicle for use in any polar environment.
RDSV, is a high speed vehicle for use in any polar environment.
Stuck in a traffic jam? Hum Rider is here to help…
The Event Horizon Telescope is an experiment performed on a global array of radio telescopes, spanning from Hawaii to Chile and from the South Pole to Arizona.
A new type of Li-Fi reached 40 Gbps, 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
Photographer Carla Thomas on a Supersonic Flight, to help engineers further the study of shockwaves.
The Norsepower Rotor Sail, a spinning cylinder that to harness wind power to propel a ship.
Damian Christie captured this footage of bottlenose dolphins chasing his boat, in Marlborough Sounds, in New Zealand…
SeaBubbles electric hydrofoil water taxis, you can find them this summer Paris.
NASA has just confirmed that biofuels reduce jet engine pollution.
This is how the world will look like in 2020. Take a look on what the future has in store…