The House of the Future by Michael Jantzen
The shape-changing M-House with movable walls, transforms according to weather conditions.
The shape-changing M-House with movable walls, transforms according to weather conditions.
Watch how DARPA’s robotic ALIAS Automated Flight System, flies turboprop Cessna Caravan…
US Navy welcomes its largest, $4.4bn and most sophisticated USS Zumwalt destroyer.
Images unveiled online showing a forthcoming electric car concept from Volkswagen.
Santorini, in Greece, captured from the Space Station, is one of the most famous tourist islands on Earth.
Stephen Hawking’s alien-hunting project will look into bizarre light signals from 234 stars.
Lufthansa Airbus A380 escorted by MIG-29 fighter jets from the Bulgarian Air Force in a spectacular flyby, for its first landing in Bulgaria…
A car in your bag. Introducing the world’s smallest laptop-sized scooter.
A laser view of Boeing Blended Wing Body (BWB) model, to map how air flows.
This is the ‘Hato Sablé’ 3D print electric mini delivery van by Honda and Kabuku.