Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
Poster containing all the Birds in US
The “Birds of North America” poster created by Pop Chart Lab, contains all species of bird you can see in the American continent.
Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
The “Birds of North America” poster created by Pop Chart Lab, contains all species of bird you can see in the American continent.
If the Atacama desert in Chile, that is the driest non-polar desert on Earth, experiences heavy rainfall, the flowers ‘hibernating’ beneath its surface, suddenly bloom with this amazing color.
The runoff as it interacts with ocean currents, from the damaging heavy rains fell on South Carolina in the southeastern United States at the beginning of October
Satellite and airborne sensors won’t cure the Earth. But they promise the clearest picture yet of its various ailments. Image credit Gregory Asner/Carnegie Institution for Science/National Geographic
The ozone hole over Antarctica grew relatively large in 2015. On October 2, 2015, the hole had reached its largest single-day area for the year.
Hurricane Patricia, at 200 MPH, is now the strongest tropical cyclone in recorded history
Antarctica sea ice maximum in 2015. For the past three years, sea ice at maximum set records. In 2015 that didn’t happen. Scientist called it “a return
The amazing image of a giant waterspout twister near Genoa, Italy, captured by Russian tourist. The photos are so impressive, that is difficult to believe they are
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared on Twitter a series of seventeen stunning photographs, taken from International Space Station during a flyover of Australia.
NASA reveals new animation of enormous El Nino phenomenon forming, and California warns residents to get prepare.