wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
The Science of Dogs
Dog. Man and woman’s best friend! Find out some interesting details…
wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
Dog. Man and woman’s best friend! Find out some interesting details…
A beautiful timelapse of the Navarre land, in northern Spain. You can see the landscapes illuminated by the sun, starry nights or the thick clouds…
Yes it is correct! 5% of the world’s population lives in the entire blue region and the same number of people live in the red region.
Watch how the amazing sea sapphire can be invisible in just a blink of an eye. Take a look at the video…
Lucky Surfer survives Shark attack at the 2015 #JBayOpen. Thankfully, Mick Fanning is unharmed. The event has been canceled.
The amazing watercolor of the Bahamas, in this astronaut photograph from the International Space Station.
Solid Gold, Michna’s latest song, in a stop motion music video featuring 60 exceptional types of rocks. Take a look at the video…
“Edge of Stability” highlights some of the most unique, awe-inspiring, and incredibly strange sights on the planet. A result of over 70,000 individual high resolution photos and
Our world is full of surprises. A new kind of fish living in volcanoes discovered by an Australian research vessel.
A unique great hammerhead shark’s point-of-view, from its dorsal fin as it swims along the ocean floor.