Ikea’s Augmented Reality app
Ikea’s app uses augmented reality to help you assemble furniture.
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Ikea’s app uses augmented reality to help you assemble furniture.
A woman crossing a street in Arizona, who was hit and killed by an autonomous Uber vehicle, is the first victim of the self-driving vehicles.
Vive Pro built for the VR enthusiast and enterprise user, who wants the best display and audio for their VR experiences.
Toyota unveiled a self-driving electric store concept vehicle, an entire mobility service platform.
Google Home Mini speaker will also be able to set reminders and more.
New research suggest that substantial amounts of water are trapped in ancient volcanic deposits on the moon.
The world’s first 3D printed reinforced concrete bridge starts to take shape in the Netherlands.
Inspired by classic Art Deco design, the Eadon Green Black Cuillin is a bespoke, coach built luxury Grand Tourer.
Meet Flippy, the burger-flipping robot, your kitchen assistant.
Sky2Go next generation of autonomous vehicle sharing systems, that follows the Mercedes-Benz design language.