How Blue LEDs Changed the World
Blue LEDs are small, energy efficient, used in almost every piece of modern electronics and with great impact on energy savings.
Is Meat Unhealthy? Is Meat Bad for You?
Eating meat has increasingly been associated with health risks, like heart disease, cancer and an early death. How unhealthy is meat really?
Massive Mass anomaly under a Giant Crater on the Moon discovered
A mysterious huge mass was found under a giant crater on the invisible side of the Moon.
Mars Helicopter Testing Enters Final Phase
NASA’s Mars Helicopter flight demonstration project has passed a number of key tests with flying colors. In 2021, the small, autonomous helicopter will be the
AMAC Aerospace and Pininfarina Cabin Concept
AMAC Aerospace and Pininfarina Cabin Concept for The Airbus Jets 350XWB, a new way to live and enjoy the on-board experience.
360-degree video takes you on an F-35 walkaround
Take a walk around the F-35 with Lockheed Martin test pilot Tony “Brick” Wilson, the first pilot to conduct an F-35C arrested landing.
The best time of the year to see Jupiter and its Moons
Now is the best time of the year to see Jupiter and its many moons. Earth goes between the sun and Jupiter on June 10.
World’s first 360-degree infinity pool in London
World’s first 360-degree infinity pool in central London, allowing visitors to float over 200 meters above the capital’s skyline.
NASA is opening the Space Station to to commercial ventures
NASA opens International Space Station to new commercial ventures, so U.S. industry innovation and ingenuity can accelerate a thriving commercial economy in low-Earth orbit.
Turning old jewelry into pure Gold Bars
This is how to turn old jewelry into pure gold bars.