Smart Cane
The connected smart cane understands its user’s habits and deduces which situations are not usual.
Bosch driver’s seat of the future
At CES 2017, Bosch is showing that connectivity is reaching the next phase of car development.
World’s fastest Elevator
Shanghai Tower, China’s tallest building, world’s fastest elevator that travels at a record-breaking 42.8mph.
Ultralight Material ten times stronger than Steel
Scientists at MIT revealed ultralight graphene that’s ten times stronger than steel.
1st Alien World confirmation 25 Years anniversary
Astronomers confirmed first alien world 25 years ago today.
Samsung EV battery with 600km range in 20 minutes of charge
An Innovative next generation battery presented by Samsung, offering fast charging and a range of 600km.
100mph RC Car in Slow Motion
This is how 100-mph R/C car looks like in ultra slow motion. Watch the video…
First flexible Surfing Helmet
This is a flexible wearable helmet for surfers, different from the existing ones.
$10 Billion Renovation plan of JFK Airport
New York City’s biggest airport is about to receive a major renovation.
Uber- the Definitive Fact File
Take an in-depth look in this infographic, into Uber and their new found global dominance…