Johanna Under The Ice
Watch Finnish freediver Johanna Nordblad that holds the world record for a 50-meter dive under ice, diving under the Arctic ice…
The Evolution of Stop- Motion
This video is sending us back in time, to see the evolution of stop-motion animation throughout the years…
Day and night in the Astro Camp
Day and night on this little planet, look a lot like day and night on planet Earth. Image credit György Soponyai
Sequencing DNA in Space
A DNA sequencer recently delivered to the Space Station, could open the door to exciting forms of research.
The unique Batpod was created to offer an alternative to Batman’s trusty Tumbler vehicle.
VIO SatNav designed to match your Scooter
TomTom’s new VIO SatNav designed to match your Scooter’s color.
Ceres’ Ice Mountain Ahuna Mons
NASA’s Dawn mission reveals that dwarf planet Ceres hosts an unexpectedly young cryovolcano that formed with the past billion years.
Living in the Coldest Place on Earth
Documentary on life in Antarctica. Living in the coldest place on Earth…
10 Best Structured Movies of All Time
Movies aren’t all about the writing or the acting or the fancy camera work. The great ones rely on the underlying structure of the story…
Infinitude video, a meditation on the cosmic evolution of matter and energy over time…