New Aircraft Wing expected to reduce Fuel and Emissions by 50%
A new slimmed down aircraft wing from NASA, expected to reduce fuel and emissions by 50%.
Space Station 360- Destiny
Explore NASA’s space laboratory for the International Space Station from every angle in this 360 panorama…
How big an asteroid would need to be to wipe out New York City
Watch in the video how big an asteroid would need to be to wipe out New York City…
ACTUV Launch and on-water Speed Tests
Watch the Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV), launch and on-water speed tests…
A Boat Crashing Into San Diego Dock
Look what happened in San Diego: A whale watching boat crashing into the dock. Amazing video taken on 3/31/2016 by our Belgian friends…
Turning a Beetle into a Remote-Controlled Cyborg
Scientists turned a beetle into a remote-controlled cyborg, by strapping tiny computers onto its back.
Ferrari 488 GTB wins the Red Dot award
The Ferrari 488 GTB, the 458 successor, has won the Red Dot Best of the Best award for its design and innovative lines.
Building a robotic Hollywood star
An inventor from China successfully created a life-sized robot from scratch, on the balcony of his home.
New Holographic guided tour on Mars
NASA and Microsoft have created “Destination: Mars,” a holographic guided tour on Mars, using the same Hololens technology that helps scientists plan the Curiosity rover’s
100 greatest one-liners just before the Kill
100 greatest one-liners just before the Kill…