14 KC-135 tankers performing an Elephant Walk
An amazing image of 14 KC-135 tankers performing an Elephant Walk at McConnell AFB.
Google unveiled Fiber Phone home telephone service
Google has just unveiled Fiber Phone, adding a home telephone service to its existing Fiber high-speed internet and cable TV, where available.
Sleeping with the Sharks
A surprising experience: a glass room totally immersed in the shark tank at the Paris Aquarium!
Incredible picture of Alaskan volcano erupting
An incredible picture of Pavlof Alaskan volcano erupting, captured by an Airline passenger.
London Day & Night
A brilliant video timelapse showing, at the same time, London thought day and night…
Unknown Object Hit Jupiter
Watch at this two rare videos, an unknown object hit Jupiter…
Migaloo Submersible Yacht
Migaloo Submersible Yacht is the first private submarine superyacht, combining a private floating island.
Record Low Arctic Sea Ice Wintertime 2016
Arctic sea ice appears to have reached a record low wintertime maximum extent, for the second year in a row. Watch the video…
Underground Nuclear Explosion
In this video you can see the unbelievable result, when a nuclear bomb explodes underground!…
Quicksilver 350mph speedboat
The Quicksilver 350mph speedboat, will be tested on Scottish Loch Ness lake, ahead of world record attempt.