Introducing the B21Strike bomber
This is the first image of the B-21 future Long Range Strike bomber, just released from the U.S. Air Force.
LA’s Methane Gas Leak was one of the worst disasters in US history
Los Angeles’ methane gas leak, that started on 23 October 2015, was one of the worst Environmental disasters in US history.
Humans take Robots’ Jobs at Mercedes
Mercedes-Benz replaces robots with people on one of its assembly line.
Extreme Helicopters!
Extreme Helicopters! Incredible takeoffs, landings, aerobatics, flyby, crosswind, expensive choppers…
Scientists’ greatest discoveries 8-bit animated Gifs
Seven famous scientists and their greatest discoveries, that changed our world, in 8-bit cool animated gifs.
This is how a little Landslide turns into a big one
This is how a little landslide turns into a big one, in Elk City…
360° view of a very fast motorbike practice lap
See what it is like and how fast is, to race the track of the North West 200, on a motorbike, with our 360 degree
Gravitational Waves brilliantly explained
Brian Greene explains the exciting new scientific discovery of Gravitational Waves, with an easy understandable way…
The Chemistry of Matches – in super slow motion
The best way to find out about the amazing chemistry of burning matches, is to watch it in ultra-slow motion…
Computers- casually explained
In this casually explained video, you can find all the basics of a personal computer and its hardware components…