The most recent discoveries in our universe.
Did you miss the Annular Solar Eclipse?
Watch a timelapse from the annular eclipse in Africa…
The most recent discoveries in our universe.
Watch a timelapse from the annular eclipse in Africa…
NASA plans to send an autonomous submarine, to explore Saturn’s moon Titan’s oceans.
SETI researchers investigate an unusual extraterrestrial signal, from star 94 light-years away.
The discovery of an exoplanet named Proxima b, the size of Earth, orbiting the nearest star to our Sun, just confirmed.
Lost in Light, a stunning short film on how light pollution affects the view of the night skies…
Earth-Like exoplanet around Proxima Centauri discovered.
“You are a spaceship soaring through the universe. So is your dog. We all carry with us trillions of microorganisms as we go through life.”
This impressive false-color view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft shows clouds in Saturn’s northern hemisphere.
A mysterious object has been discovered in a strange orbit past Neptune.
Io, the most volcanic body in the Solar System, is about the size of planet Earth’s single moon.