wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
Venus could have been Habitable
Venus may have been a temperate planet hosting liquid water for 2-3 billion years.
wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
Venus may have been a temperate planet hosting liquid water for 2-3 billion years.
Rare kaon decays can give insights into how top quarks decay and help scientists to check the consistency of the Standard Model.
IKEA is planing to produce more energy than it consumes, starting next year.
NASA InSight spacecraft detected mysterious, never-seen-before pulses on Mars, recorded at equator during nighttime.
Scientists confirm that dust from a giant asteroid crash, some 460 million years ago, caused an ancient ice age.
September 2019 equinox is taking place on 23th at 07:50 UTC. Happy autumn Northern Hemisphere, happy spring Southern Hemisphere.
This stunning image of Saturn’s slender sunlit crescent with night’s shadow cast across its broad and complex ring system, was captured by the Cassini spacecraft.
Gimbal: The first official UAP footage from the USG for public release.
Hawaiian observatory captures a mysterious space object, to be the second ‘interstellar visitor’ ever observed.
The giant black hole at the center of our Galaxy is getting hungrier because is now brighter in 24 years of observations.