Hasselblad mirrorless X1D medium format Camera
The handmade Hasselblad mirrorless X1D medium format Camera, the first in its category, is ergonomic and compact.
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The handmade Hasselblad mirrorless X1D medium format Camera, the first in its category, is ergonomic and compact.
A NASA scientist just announced a promising new theory about a possible link between primordial black holes and dark matter.
Pro skaters Tony Hawk and Aaron “Jaws” Homoki, attempt to pull off some weightless tricks in zero gravity.
An astronaut aboard the Space Station (ISS), took this broad, short-lens photograph of Earth’s night lights while looking out over the remote reaches of the central equatorial
HoloFlex is a holographic, flexible smartphone projecting 3D images into the palm of your hand.
A LED that mimics the three-layered structure of a firefly’s lantern, shines 60% brighter than previous designs.
Using a powerful lens, an astronaut captured, from the ISS, the spacecraft with the Atlas engines still firing and long tendrils of exhaust trailing back toward Cape
NASA and Microsoft have created “Destination: Mars,” a holographic guided tour on Mars, using the same Hololens technology that helps scientists plan the Curiosity rover’s activities…
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Experiments with cells grown both inside and outside the body, could fix lenses and corneas.