NASA is designing the Quiet Supersonic X-plane
Supersonic passenger travel is one step closer to reality, with NASA’s award of a contract for the preliminary design of a low boom flight.
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Supersonic passenger travel is one step closer to reality, with NASA’s award of a contract for the preliminary design of a low boom flight.
Building the world’s first “quiet” supersonic X-plane and a series of fueled by green energy planes, is part of the NASA’s budget proposal.
Enjoy the new NASA’s space tourism posters, the amazing work of Seattle-based design studio Invisible Creature.
NASA just added Sierra Nevada Corporation’s (SNC) unmanned Dream Chaser, to the privately owned fleet that will bring supplies to the Space Station (ISS).
NASA and industry leaders are working at a new, more efficient designed in aircraft propulsion, that will use hybrid electric to provide thrust.
NASA releases new High-Resolution Earthrise image, recently captured from LRO spacecraft’s vantage point in orbit around the moon.
The first stage of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket for NASA’s InSight mission, is offloaded from the Antonov (AN-124) Russian aircraft.
The key role in the transition of the Martian climate from an early, warm and wet environment that might have supported surface life, to the cold, arid
A computer-generated composite view of Pluto, filled with about 1,500 #PlutoTime images shared on social media.
NASA reveals new animation of enormous El Nino phenomenon forming, and California warns residents to get prepare.