What is a ‘Toroidal Propeller’ and could it change the future of Drones?
The basic configuration of traditional propellers has not fundamentally changed since the first powered flight by the Wright brothers in 1903.
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The basic configuration of traditional propellers has not fundamentally changed since the first powered flight by the Wright brothers in 1903.
Astronauts pay attention to Moon samples as they receive a lesson in the Apollo Lunar Lab at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on May 9, 2023.
Origami portable solar panel is a travel-friendly, compact design that can fit into your backpack.
Project Neptune 137,5 m Superyacht has 2 helipads with a helicopter hangar.
The attribute of light science still can’t explain. Double slit experiment, and quantum light paradox.
A committee set up by NASA has examined about 800 reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), or what most of us would call UFOs (unidentified flying objects).
The spacewalk of Woody Hoburg riding the Canadarm2 Robotic Arm lasted 6 hours and 3 minutes.
The universe isn’t just a vast empty ocean sprinkled with galaxies – most of the atoms are actually drifting in between, in the intergalactic medium.
The McConaghy MC115 Catamaran is a 115 feet (35 meters) luxury sailing yacht designed for high-performance cruising.
A space solar power prototype has demonstrated its ability to wirelessly transmit power in space and to beam detectable power to Earth for the first time.