How to quickly sweep your patio without a broom
A man demonstrates in the video, how to quickly sweep a patio without a broom, just using his drone…
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A man demonstrates in the video, how to quickly sweep a patio without a broom, just using his drone…
According to rumors the next Apple’s smartphone, the iPhone 7, will be the ‘biggest redesign ever’ and will dump the home button.
The ozone hole over Antarctica grew relatively large in 2015. On October 2, 2015, the hole had reached its largest single-day area for the year.
An affordable 3D printer and CNC laser cutter/engraver, raises $27.9 million in funds, making the biggest 30-day crowdfunding campaign in history.
Next, by Italian designers is an advanced, smart, self-driving transportation system, based on swarms of modular vehicles.
Ferrofluid is a liquid that displays unusual properties in the presence of a magnetic field. Watch in the video, what happens when we mix ferrofluid with the
Never before seen High Definition air-to-air footage of a USAF B-2 stealth bomber, designed and built by Northrop Grumman…
Professor Raul Rojas from the University of Nevada, Reno, just completed the longest-ever drive in Mexico in a driverless car, a 1,500 miles journey, from the U.S.
This gigantic solar powered Chinese airship can fly for up to six months.
The MiniBrew is personal machine that makes brewing beer, simple as brewing coffee.