Miniature RoboBee can fly and swim
The RoboBee is a miniature robot able to fly, that can also land in water, using a modified flapping technique.
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The RoboBee is a miniature robot able to fly, that can also land in water, using a modified flapping technique.
Microsoft’s audio laboratory sets new record for the quietest place, is officially the quietest place on Earth.
No this is not a galaxy. In the video the slow mo guys spin a waterlogged foam ball to produce some hypnotic split-second galaxies…
Renault revealed a new model Coupé C concept, inspired by the style and shapes of architect Le Corbusier.
These amazing sculptures were created using plastic materials found in sea or on shore, called beach waste.
Are all people on Earth really connected through just six steps? Watch the explanation on the science of six degrees of separation…
Watch Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Emily Lakdawalla and Carl Sagan reflecting humanity’s next frontier: beyond the horizon…
A Hitchcock mashup where Kubrick is the villain. “Jimmy was having a rather beautiful day until he bumped into Jack and things got weird.”
An impressive phenomenon in this NASA video. A massive Black Hole shreds passing star…
The predictions for the next 30 years are that we’ll have self-driving and self healing planes, flying cars, but we still use pens and paper.