A device Generates Electricity out of thin air
Scientists developed a device that uses a natural protein to create electricity from moisture in the air.
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Scientists developed a device that uses a natural protein to create electricity from moisture in the air.
Scientists studying a distant galaxy cluster have discovered the biggest explosion seen in the Universe since the Big Bang.
NASA’s robotic Juno spacecraft has found that Jupiter’s magnetic field is surprisingly complex, so that the Jovian world does not have single magnetic poles like our Earth.
This video is about the Milankovitch cycles which are only one of many factors influencing climate, like the CO2.
NASA wants your help designing a Venus rover, like this one possible wind-powered conceptual vehicle.
A new type of engine called ‘rotating detonation engine,’ promises to make rockets not only more fuel-efficient but also more lightweight and less complicated to construct.
Space Adventures announces collaboration with SpaceX to send private citizens into orbit, on the Crew Dragon spacecraft.
Pagani Imola track-focused hypercar unveiled. Limited-run, just five models built, all sold.
Here comes the Sun! ESA’s new Sun-exploring mission Solar Orbiter lofted to space aboard the US Atlas V 411 rocket from NASA’s spaceport in Cape Canaveral, Florida
Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), have spotted a peculiar gas cloud that resulted from a confrontation between two stars.