Paddle Boarding with Whales
Watch in the amazing video, paddle boarding with whales in Esperance, Western Australia.
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Watch in the amazing video, paddle boarding with whales in Esperance, Western Australia.
All the models of manned rocket ever made, from all over the world. Take a look at the video…
This awesome film is primarily layer-lapse footage, a technique where different regions of a scene are shown at different points in time.
Interesting video about the war on science, by AsapSCIENCE…
Amazing footage. Surfer Bruno Santos pulls into a double overhead barrel at Fiji’s Cloudbreak…
The worst traffic jams in the planet are in China. Watch in the video what happens when people come back from vacation in China and try to
Jellyfish survived five mass extinctions. They don’t have a heart, or blood, or even a brain. And you can find them in every ocean in our planet.
Earth as a living creature… We’ve all seen images of extreme weather from space. But this video created by NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio, is really exceptional…
Mike Olbinski was chasing the monsoon in Arizona for about 6-7 years now. This summer was different though. Take a look at his video…
Boeing’s Microlattice is the lightest metal ever made, while its structure makes it strong. Strength and record breaking lightness make it ideal for future planes and vehicles.