Can AI help crack the code of Fusion Power?
Practical fusion power, as the joke goes, has been “decades away…for decades.” But recent advancements in advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence…
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Practical fusion power, as the joke goes, has been “decades away…for decades.” But recent advancements in advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence…
Scientists seeking to bring the fusion reaction that powers the sun and stars to Earth must keep the superhot plasma free from disruptions.
New records achieved on Stellarator Nuclear Fusion Reactor, with successful second round of experiments with Wendelstein 7-X.
Nicknamed Chinese artificial sun, the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), has achieved over 100 million degrees electron temperature in the core plasma in its four-month-long experiment campaign.
Producing efficient energy from Nuclear Fusion, it would be one of the most important events in our history.
Wendelstein 7-X achieved higher temperatures and densities of the plasma, a new world record for fusion product.
UK nuclear fusion reactor has reached temperatures hotter than the center of the sun. Now the project is one step closer to produce clean power by 2030.
Scientists accidentally discovered Quark Fusion, could it be the future of energy?
MIT undertakes an ambitious plan to build nuclear fusion plant within 15 years.
A laser-driven technique for creating fusion that leaves no toxic radioactive waste is now within reach.