How Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real
In this video: How physicists proved the Universe isn’t real. Nobel prize in Physics 2022 explained.
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In this video: How physicists proved the Universe isn’t real. Nobel prize in Physics 2022 explained.
The ZEUS Laser, the most powerful laser in the U.S., has begun its commissioning experiments at the University of Michigan.
Time might not exist, according to physicists and philosophers – but that’s okay.
Lotus has revealed the 2022 Lotus Emira packages and colors detailed along with European pricing.
Supersolid state of matter that was confirmed a few years ago, now is created in a new two-dimensional form.
Quantum mechanics has a lot of weird stuff – but there’s thing that everyone agrees that no one understands.
Astrophysicist discovers new theoretical hyper-fast soliton solutions, faster-than-light, to travel to nearby stars.
The journey to see future technology starts in 2022, when Elon Musk and SpaceX is being prepared to send the first Starship to Mars…
World’s smallest “Christmas Tree” is about the size of a DNA strand, consists of 51 individual atoms.
New type of atomic clock is less than a tenth of a second out after 14 Billion years, accurate.