New ‘Skreemr’ passenger Plane could hit Mach 10
New ‘Skreemr’ supersonic plane could hit Mach 10, five times faster than Concorde, travel from London to New York in just 30 minutes.
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New ‘Skreemr’ supersonic plane could hit Mach 10, five times faster than Concorde, travel from London to New York in just 30 minutes.
Scientists developed a new method for light to travel infinitely fast, with new on-chip material.
This awesome film is primarily layer-lapse footage, a technique where different regions of a scene are shown at different points in time.
Tesla electric car maker unveiled Model X, the safest, fastest and most capable sport utility vehicle.
MSR Guardian most advanced portable water purifier, easy to use even for the most challenging water sources.
The 300-meter long glass bridge, suspended 180-meters above ground between two cliffs at Hunan’s Shiniuzhai National Geological Park, in China.
The majority of people in Britain, Germany and the USA, believe that aliens exist, according to a new poll.
Sensorama unveiled ‘Vix,’ in Brazil, a 24 person ride that straps passengers on a virtual reality underwater voyage. Watch Vix in the video…
A high speed train created by US and China, will connect the 230 miles separating Los Angeles and Las Vegas, in just 80 minutes.
FlyShip, a next generation WIG (Wing in Ground Effect), can flight just above the surface of water at 250 km/h.