The most important achievements in technology.
Imploding of the gigantic Marysville Power Plant
The giant 93-year-old Marysville Michigan Power Plant implosion, in St. Clair river, in slow motion, on Nov 2015. Take a look at the video…
The most important achievements in technology.
The giant 93-year-old Marysville Michigan Power Plant implosion, in St. Clair river, in slow motion, on Nov 2015. Take a look at the video…
Scientists using wireless reflections, to identify the differences between people, from the other side of wall. Watch the video…
Mind-bogging Wendelstein 7-X reactor designed by a supercomputer, a device known as a stellarator, might save Nuclear Fusion. Watch the time lapse of the construction…
The RoboBee is a miniature robot able to fly, that can also land in water, using a modified flapping technique.
Microsoft’s audio laboratory sets new record for the quietest place, is officially the quietest place on Earth.
The predictions for the next 30 years are that we’ll have self-driving and self healing planes, flying cars, but we still use pens and paper.
What will humanity look like in 1000 years? Watch as we cover some cutting-edge innovations happening today. Watch the video…
Komatsu now makes construction vehicles that can drive themselves, guided by drones.
Researchers developed a new polymeric membrane, presenting a breakthrough in water desalination.
New 3D house printer can save up to 70% of frame construction costs and time, in comparison with traditional methods.