The Bird-Shaped Lishui AirportThe Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport. Credit MAD

The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport is slated to be completed by the end of 2024.

Created by MAD Architects find inspiration in nature for the upcoming Lishui Airport in China’s Zhejiang Province.

The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport (4)The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport. Credit MAD

Shaped like a graceful white bird poised for flight, this airport is situated amidst the hills and woods. Standing nearly 24 meters tall and covering 12,100 square meters, it will blend seamlessly with its surroundings.

The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport (3)The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport. Credit MAD

Inside, the airport will boast a warm ambiance with its curving wooden interiors illuminated by a central skylight.

The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport (2)The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport. Credit MAD

The layout is designed for convenience, with departure facilities easily accessible on the ground floor and tranquil waiting areas upstairs.

The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport (1)The Bird-Shaped Lishui Airport. Credit MAD

Scheduled for completion by the end of 2024, Lishui Airport promises to be a harmonious blend of nature-inspired design.

source MAD