A presentation of fascinating, post modern buildings.
Why Cities are where they are
Why cities are where they are in our planet? Watch the video…
A presentation of fascinating, post modern buildings.
Why cities are where they are in our planet? Watch the video…
The world’s highest bridge, rising nearly 570 meters above a valley, opened in southwest China. Watch the video…
At the new 38,000 square meter Shanghai planetarium – museum, construction work is underway.
Take a look at this interesting video about the future of cities…
The Eden Project, world’s biggest greenhouse, a breathtaking sight of bubble-like Biomes nestling in a former clay mine.
Utopia futuristic Project between a ship and a small island, for unique vacations.
Icehotel 365 first permanent ice hotel north of the arctic circle, that stays opens all year long.
Jet Capsule’s U.F.O futuristic Houseboat for open water, has been updated.
RB Systems proposes an exceptional Hyperloop Station and passenger pod.
The giant sinkhole in Fukuoka City in Japan, fixed in just 2 days!