The effects of climate change on the fragile planet we live on.
How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?
Ocean plastic pollution is a massive environmental problem. What can you do to make the oceans plastic-free?
The effects of climate change on the fragile planet we live on.
Ocean plastic pollution is a massive environmental problem. What can you do to make the oceans plastic-free?
What actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away?
Thanks to Geoengineering, world’s first negative emissions power plant turns CO2 into stone.
Plastic nanoparticles are more common than we think. A lot of them ends up in our waterways, degrading marine ecosystems.
Stunning report shows that 95% of plastic polluting the globe’s oceans, comes from just ten rivers.
Humans produced 9.1 billion tons of plastic since 1950. This is enough to cover Manhattan in two miles of waste.
The smog free bicycle concept designed to inhale pollution, clean it, and exhale fresh air.
NASA has just confirmed that biofuels reduce jet engine pollution.
The Dutch foundation Ocean Cleanup, developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic.
Beijing has declared its first ever red alert, as smog engulfs the city, in China’s worst pollution crisis ever. Watch the video…